Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Smoking Prohibited in Parks, Secondhand Smoke

One town has declared 13 parks and open spaces ‘smoke-free sites’. Signs have been placed at the entrance to the parks and playing fields, explaining the measure is ‘to protect children’. But the Blackpool NHS initiative, backed by the town’s council, which cannot be legally enforced without a specific by-law, has angered pro-smoking groups. Simon Clark, director of Forest, said the signs had nothing to do with children’s health but were about stopping adults smoking around them. Mr Clark added: ‘If you want adults to be better role models does that mean you stop them drinking and arguing in front of children?’ Belinda Cunnison, from Freedom2choose, added: ‘If people think they are going to be harassed for smoking outdoors they are less likely to take their children to the park.’ Cllr Ivan Taylor said the aim was to protect children. ‘Smoking is a killer and we need to do all we can to discourage it,’ he added. The Department of Health said smokers would not be breaking the law.

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